Saturday, June 15, 2019

Class with Judy Newman

 When Judy Newman comes to town all the way from Melbourne, you drive the required distance to take a class with her. She's the third Aussie that I've enjoyed learning from. There is something about all three that are non-traditional. They seemed to have a great advantage of making art without taking instruction. Each is original with a splash of antique design. It's fascinating.

I chose to quilt up Emma Mary, pictured below. Judy teaches this quilt using hand-piecing. Some scoff at hand-piecing since we have such great machines, but it is a quiet, slow process that is peaceful to the soul. It's portable and tactile. Imagine English Paper Piecing without the paper.

There is no rush to finish this. I don't know if I'll have a sewing machine in Guayaquil.

These little hexagon pieces are created and then appliqued to a center square.

There's Cathy! We all carpooled to Bellingham to the Two Thimbles Quilt Shop. I purchased some fabrics I wouldn't normally use, just to stretch a bit.

When I was walking around the shop, I saw this great piece. I would love to do a collage quilt like this.

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