Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Typical Week

All three of us are going to the trunk-or-treat tomorrow night. Paul brings full-sized candy bars and the entire event lasts about 30 minutes. Katie and James are coming, too. Marnie is finally done with marching band! She just ran upstairs, screaming that she got 103% on her math test today. She really loves Mr. Redfern. Dad is taking her to get a passport tomorrow.

Stake Conference was great this weekend. President Williams spoke about the Bubblegum Machine Mentality. The Ensign article is here:

The point of the article is this: You put a coin in the machine and out pops a gum ball. Say your prayers and they will be answered. Go to church and your trials will be lifted. Attend the temple and your righteous desires will be granted in short order. My early testimony of the gospel was built on this misconception. So it is not difficult to imagine my dismay when things didn’t always work out that way. I had to learn that having faith to turn to God and lay my burdens at His feet can be a difficult, heart-wrenching, and humbling experience. Through my own experiences and trials, I have learned that life’s challenges are meant to change us and turn us to the Lord in faith.

President Flake talked about Sarah. She has such anxiety issues that she throws up before every stressful event. She had been in the MTC just a few days before Conference, and she already wrote a wonderful letter home that she was having a great time. President Flake turned that into a great talk.

President Sainsbury spoke about the living water at the temple. Then the General Authority spoke about keeping covenants. Dad did a great job with the sound and the camera work. He had to miss the temple on Saturday night because of the evening session. David Springgay subbed for him. 

Dad is heading back to Rexburg this weekend to help with oil changes and stuff. The weather looks fine for the drive, just wet and rainy. 

A wonderful balayage for Marnie by Norene.

Nothing like feeling beautiful!

Jim is taking it easy with Grandma and Grandpa (and Rufus & Chuckles).

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