Wednesday, September 20, 2017


 The word "busywork" implies the work is not valuable, so in a sense this is an ironic title. I needed to do a little organizing with my quilts. I wrap each quilt around a pole, a pool noodle, or a leftover batting tube. Then I tie it together with torn fabric strips or yarn. Finally, I like to make a sleeve out of Tyvek home wrap. I zig-zag stitch casings and slip them inside. If I'm really organized, I write the name on the outside. 

All of these go under the guest bed upstairs. There is a danger keeping them downstairs because it is a basement. Musty smells could ruin these. Tyvek really gives me a sense of security.

I spent the afternoon planting lavender. Why I don't have fields of this, I don't know. It is so low maintenance. As different as the PNW is from the Mediterranean, some of their best plants grow happily here. If you want to see fields of lavender, you just have to pop over to Sequim.

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