Saturday, December 29, 2018

Marnie and Eric's Wedding

 We were in for a rainy and windy day at the temple. There was no point getting you hair just right. At some point, we all started laughing. Eric's parents are from Fresno, so they were freezing cold. I felt terrible for taking so many pictures outside. Wakana did a fabulous job. 


I wanted Marnie to have this temple shawl for pictures. The funny part is that Howard's wife Pam wore this shawl a few years ago. He was happy to carry it for her.

After the wedding, we went to Teriyaki and More for a wedding luncheon. It's the food everyone wants.

The kids are conspiring. Always.

I asked them to pose for a record album cover and they obliged. How I love them.

I absolutely love this photo of my daughters- and sons-in-law. They are each very different, just as my children are. They love with their whole hearts.

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