Wednesday, March 1, 2017

My First Quilt

 My very first quilting book was In the Beginning by Sharon Yenter. I was so excited to get started on my first quilt, but living in Baring, Washington limited my fabric options. So one day I we were driving through Seattle and I asked Paul to watch the kids while I ran into In the Beginning to buy some fabric.  We were lucky to get a parking spot. I snuck out and ran upstairs like a crazy person. I knew the kids wouldn't keep very long.

Not thinking about buying a line of fabric, I just grabbed a bunch of bolts, and following the quilt recipe, asked for the proper amount of yardage. It was a sampler type of quilt, which is good for a beginner, but never looks quite right. This one turned out pretty bad. It sat for years in my UFO stash. 

When I bought my Gammill longarm I decided it would be my first quilt on the machine. So not only is the quilt bad, but the quilting is pretty bad too. I finally decided to take a picture and toss it.

Always keep for first quilt (or a picture) so you know how you've improved!

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