Wednesday, March 8, 2017

New Hexagon Millefiori

 I've finished my first rosette in the New Hexagon quilt. This is my first time trying English Paper Piecing and it is pretty straightforward. I bought all the paper pieces from Paper Pieces, naturally. I've linked to Katya Marek's page on their website. She is just up north in BC, but we haven't met. To make this quilt, you would need The New Hexagon: 52 Blocks to English Paper Piece. I would make a photocopy of each block required, fold it in half, staple up the sides, and slip in all the paper pieces required for that block.

Then I cut out each piece in fabric with a general seam allowance. I prefer to hand baste the fabric around the paper, but glue basting is also an option.

It is tricky to stitch everything together in the right direction, so you much keep the picture right next to you at all times.

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