Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Recent Performances

 The kids are all performing in some way at the end of the year. It's fun to watch them grow in their confidence. Most of the little squares in my handy calendar are full tiny scribbles. Of course, every week we have Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts where the boys continually improve.

Katie built a xylophone for Science Team!

Then she and Emily DeFreese sang for Young Women's. She has been really busy lately.

Calvin is running with the Stanwood Middle School track team. Every night he is heading to bed early and sleeping like a rock.

Friday, May 20, 2005

Celebrating Paul

 Paul turned 40 on Friday, the first of April. Everyone was excited to share his cake. He had to light his own candles and then blow them out again. 

The next month he was awarded the BSA's Silver Beaver Award. He was very proud to receive such an exceptional award and it was well-deserved. Rob Huff also received the award, so here they compare them a bit.

Monday, May 9, 2005

Spring Sun

 Sometimes we get lucky in the Spring and the sun appears. We took advantage of the warm weather and went to play at the Camano Island State Park. There are forts to be built and shells to find.

Then we went to Utsalady Elementary School for a surprise birthday party for Michelle Vance. Many ward members and local friends came to have fun.

Katie and Caitlin Woolbert chatting about high school things. When it was time to go, Paul needed assistance.

Friday, May 6, 2005

Frazier Achievements

 Frazier recently enjoyed a few days away from home at 5th Grade Camp. Every one of the children has loved it so far. I like that he is wearing his USS Midway hat from his trip to Nana and Papa's house.

A few days after this, we were pleased to attend his advancement in Boy Scouts. I even got a Mother's Pin, which I never deserve. My only contribution is getting him there on time.

I love Frazier's hugs.