Sunday, September 30, 2012

Union Jack

 Once I had three panels ready, I was able to stitch them together. But they are quite large and a little difficult to handle without tweaking the bias.

The entire quilt is about 70"x 55" and looks quite bright and lively in the living room.

The above is hanging outside in the sunshine and below in the Camano Island Quilter's Show. Note that the binding is not white. There is no possible way to keep such a white binding clean.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Posts from Katie

Katie sends the most delightful letters from her mission to England. She is such a wonderful writer and always attaches pictures of her companions. I am so glad she was able to spend time in London before her mission on study abroad. She reports learning lots from these wonderful sisters and about sharing stories and movie plots as they walk the cobblestone streets.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Check on the Garden

 When I'm busy, I prefer to go out into the garden. I love getting into the soil and pull weeds. I remember when I was little and wanted to earn money, my mom sent me outside to pull weeds, promising that she'd pay me a penny per weed. I earned $8. 

Lamb's Ears

Globe Thistle (Echinops)

Teddy Bear Sunflowers




Rosa unidentified
