Saturday, June 14, 2014


 Marnie likes to be surprised, but not with anything off-pitch. Whether it's singing or instrumental playing, she prefers beautiful music.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Honeysuckle and Wisteria

 I haven't discovered the reason for my love of invasive plants. There is something enthusiastic about them. No stopping. Wrapping their tendrils around whatever is closest. When I was a child, my mom planted a wisteria beneath our deck and I remember the incredible fragrance. I had to do the same.

The problem is that wisteria will tear down this deck if I let it. And I planted it!
The honeysuckle also smells delicious. When I was a little girl I would pull the stigmas out and suck on them for fun. 

This also requires cutting back every few years or that poor trellis will be toast.