Saturday, September 26, 2015

Laura Heine Class

 Laura Heine has been creating some amazing patterns lately. So many quilters have been fusing, it's hard to find enough fusible material. When I heard Calico Creations was having a class, I immediately signed up. Students could choose any pattern since the principles are the same for each.

I am working on this woman's dress form. It is quite fun to cut out flowers from Kaffe Fassett's fabrics. 

My classmate was making a little owl. I absolutely love it!

Friday, September 25, 2015

Jim Arrives!

 Katie was a bit overdue and we were impatient for our first grandchild to arrive. She went into labor in the evening, but by the next day, nothing was happening. The hospital decided to induce her, but she suddenly started having contractions on her own. We were all kicked out of the room. Jackson, Paul, and I were on our way to work at the temple since it was a Thursday. 

Paul went down the hallway and with the door closed, he leaned close to listen. Eventually, he just stood with his back up against the wall, waiting.

Pretty soon we heard Jim crying. The hospital played a little ringtone over the sound system to announce a baby boy had been born.

Soon we were allowed in to meet him.

And we returned with Marnie so she could say hello.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Mount St. Helens

 Paul and I took Jack to Mount St. Helens this week so he could enjoy the incredible geologic science still on display. It takes a few hours to drive to the Johnston Observatory, but there are many hikes and walks to stretch your legs once you arrive.

The Mountain blew sideways toward the location of the observatory and ricocheted down to Spirit Lake. After the eruption, the summit of Mount St. Helens was gone, forests were obliterated and rivers followed new courses. More than 150 new lakes and ponds were formed, and existing lakes filled with sediment, flooding their banks.

At the observatory you can view two well made documentaries. And at the end of the presentation, the long red velvet curtains slowly open, revealing the mountain. Incredibly awe-inspiring. 

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Children's Books

 With a grandchild on the way, I feel the need to collect as many of my favorite books as possible. Marnie and I have been hitting thrift stores around Snohomish County to buy up the best children's books.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Opening Presents

 Danika and Frazier are enjoying an opening wedding presents party. Both of them are local, so their friends are all nearby. And they were very generous. How they will get all of these things to Rexburg will be a trick.